Personal Pilates - Booking

Choose one of the options:

Single Session (60 min.) €30,00 Book
10 Sessions + 1 FREE consultation (60 min.) €250,00 Book
10 Sessions + 1 FREE consultation (30 min.) €200,00 Book
Check the options for Group Pilates here.

Why choose Personal Pilates sessions?

In a group Pilates class all participants are performing the same exercise routine.

"The Simply Healthy Personal Pilates class" offers a more personalised approach to your treatment and goals.

Before you start, you will have a detailed assessment (postural and body composition analysis) from which we will create a personalised programme to suit your goals, fitness level and Pilates skills. This reduces the risk of aggravating injuries.

The personalised programme may include a mixture of mat work and exercises using Pilates equipment (Reformer, Pilates Balls, Pilates Bands, Pilates Rings, Pilates Balancing Pads, small weights where appropriate etc).

Personal Pilates is for people who want to benefit from personal attention.

"Simply Healthy Personal Pilates classes can be arranged for individuals, couples or small groups of up to three people.

Who can benefit most from a Personal Pilates class?

  • People just starting out.
  • People who have specific goals.
  • People who don't want to join an exercise group.
  • Pregnant or postnatal women.
  • People with lower back pain.
  • People with spinal injuries such as herniated discs.
  • People with scoliosis.
  • People with osteoporosis or osteopenia.
  • People who take part in specific sports: cyclists, runners, dancers, etc.